July 4, 2021 (Press Release)
This year’s live streaming conference of the global organization & guide AMBASSADORS OF TASTE FOR THE GLOBAL GASTRONOMY® was declared as a huge success, with more professionals (taste experts & chefs) than ever, from every continent, engaging in this global forum. A major theme of this taste & gastronomy summit was about conjoining all cultures & traditions under the scope of the core values of Ambassadors of Taste® that make this organization superlative.
The organization’s vision and mission is characterized by crucial significance. “Taste unite as all”, “Food for all” are a few of its core values that fall within the framework of Sustainable Gastronomy and actions as reinforcing traditional knowledge related to health foods and local cuisines.
Holding the 3rd GLOBAL TASTE CONFERENCE OF AMBASSADORS OF TASTE® in Greece has been a huge success and it was such an honour and privilege to welcome the world chef leaders and connect live with official Ambassadors of Taste® in Russia, Dubai, Nepal, India, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Usa, Australia and Vietnam.
It is worth mentioning Nepal as the honoured country to co-organize a parallel side event to the 3rd GLOBAL TASTE CONFERENCE OF AMBASSADORS OF TASTE® by streaming realtime cultural events and live cooking sessions, all for the purposes of the conference. Nepali cuisine is the new trend in world gastronomy featuring hidden treasures of taste! Nepalese official Ambassadors of Taste for the Global Gastronomy® play an important role in the formation of world gastronomy.
Correspondingly, India honoured country, also participated by realtime live streaming their co-organized big event with its most important, highest in rank, culinary representatives, officialy certified by Ambassadors of Taste for the Global Gastronomy® organization. India's cuisine is one of the world's most diverse cuisines, characterized by its sophisticated and subtle use of the many spices, vegetables, grains and fruits.
Mr. Philip Koutras (founder of the organization) on the day of the conference gave his address on the culinary theme for the coming year, "Preserve tradition, Maintain local cuisine, Act sustainably for a better future for everyone "
“Strengthening tradition is also expected to enhance local food and consumption quality and thus helping economies developing.”
“We are truly fortunate to be a part of this strong culinary community that supports cultural exchange and sustainable thinking in order to accomplish great things. It is the capability of this organization that will propel us to future successes."
“The feedback we have received from both the attendees who took part and the audience who watched and engaged remotely via live streaming has been hugely positive.”
The conference provided an opportunity to learn, share, and explore the new era of world gastronomy that AMBASSADORS OF TASTE FOR THE GLOBAL GASTRONOMY® claims. To find new ways to produce solutions that impacts everyone. During the conference the certified Ambassadors of Taste® were recognized during honors and awards segments. The day was highlighted by the new book of AMBASSADORS OF TASTE FOR THE GLOBAL GASTRONOMY® announcement. (can be downloaded for free)
Guidelines and safety precautions were held against COVID-19 during the conference.
Day 2 of the conference found the Ambassadors of Taste® team in the archeological sites of Acropolis and Parthenon. It was an amazing stroll that helped everyone to reconsider the heritage derived by one of the most significant civilizations of all, that of Greece.
PHILIP KOUTRAS [Founder of Ambassadors of Taste® organization]
President of the International Center of Wine and Gastronomy (ICWAG, Russia)
(4th from left to right) NARAYAN THAPALIYA [President of the Gastronomy Association of Nepal - GAN]
Parthenon, Acropolis with honorable members of AMBASSADORS OF TASTE FOR THE GLOBAL GASTRONOMY® organization & guide and certified Members of GTBB & Attendees
AMBASSADORS OF TASTE FOR THE GLOBAL GASTRONOMY® is a trademark protected by intellectual property rights. Phrases and logos are under world copyright protection. ©All rights reserved 2018-2021.
AMBASSADORS OF TASTE FOR THE GLOBAL GASTRONOMY® organization & guide announces its 3rd ANNUAL GLOBAL TASTE CONFERENCE | AMBASSADORS OF TASTE FOR THE GLOBAL GASTRONOMY® | ATHENS GREECE Greece 2021" The conference is held under the Auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, GNTO and the Municipality of Athens.
The date is set for the 5th of July 2021 at the emblematic lighthouse of STAVROS NIARCHOS FOUNDATION CULTURAL CENTER (SNFCC).
The aim of the conference is to promote and present strategic & modern branding methods for the global promotion of premium brands as well as to inform the market about the new global gastronomy trends in the field of management and planning. Moreover, the best of the best representatives of culture & taste from all over the world are going to be present at this conference, offering their insights about the new trends of their field, all coming together in a synergy of mastery and excellence that AMBASSADORS OF TASTE FOR THE GLOBAL GASTRONOMY® organization & guide, knows how to offer.
The structure of this year’s conference is divided into two parts: The "global session", with references to international trends and developments in the field, and the "national session" with impetus on the Greek gastronomic insights, gastronomy tourism opportunities, and the in depth presentation of Greek products, as a continuous reminder of our ancestral legacy of our forefathers to our better, brighter future of today.
Alongside of the conference, GREEK TASTE BEYOND BORDERS® GTBB organization, with its powerful business networking platform with strategic partners around the world in collaboration with its highly trained team of partners, will be there to analyze its strategy and goals for the future, by providing solutions and answers to the above mentioned issues.
The conference is open and addresses to market leaders globally that operate in the field of taste and gastronomy, food industry, restaurants, high-profile chefs around the world as well as taste developers. On the day of the conference, the official honorary titles of AMBASSADORS OF TASTE FOR THE GLOBAL GASTRONOMY® and additional certification awards & honors will be awarded, as well as the official titles of the Ambassador for Greek Gastronomy® Ambassador of Greek Cuisine® Ambassador of Greek Taste® and the Certification of Value & Quality by GTBB Gold Medal.
A substantial contribution to the conference, which is under the auspices of the Auspices of Ministry of Rural Development and Food, Ministry of Tourism, GNTO and City of Athens, will be provided by the global organization HYATT hotels corporation, which fully supports AMBASSADORS OF TASTE FOR THE GLOBAL GASTRONOMY® international network.
Noteworthy, will be the event of the next day of the conference and a major gastronomy event, which will be followed by a cocktail reception at the GRAND HYATT Athens Hotel, on the topic of "cultural exchange" with media coverage. The reception at the GRAND HYATT Athens will be preceded by the symbolic visit of the AMBASSADORS OF TASTE FOR THE GLOBAL GASTRONOMY® at the Acropolis, the cradle of Global Civilization and Greek culture.